Dynamics on Constitutional Court Decision towards Indonesia Citizenship Arrangement

Dinamika Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi terhadap Pengaturan Kewarganegaraan Indonesia





Dynamics, Indonesia Citizenship, Constitutional Court Decision, Citizenship Statutory Laws


The 1945 Constitution amendment led into Indonesia state order transition that related also towards state fundamental aspects, including citizenship issue. Discourse has been raises on material and formal context on citizenship arrangement, and develops consideration according to Constitutional Court consent into several Constitutional Court Decisions. This article intention related on dynamics and problematic over citizenship arrangement after Indonesi reform, and Constitutional Court Decision consideration on citizenship issues to evaluate needs to reformulate citizenship arrangement. This article was arranged based on legal research with thesis on arrangement dynamics and Constitutional Court Decision relevance on citizenship supported with statutory laws, conceptual, legal facts, and legal cases approaches. The results reflected citizenship arrangement dynamics related material, formal, legal needs, era and human rights development comprehensively. The Constitutional Court Decision considers Indonesia citizenship into nationalities, maximum protection, full constitutional rights, and comitment to defending single citizenship stelsel into current statutory laws.

Author Biography

Bagus Hermanto, Faculty of Law Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia

Bagus Hermanto was born in Denpasar, Bali, on June 14, 1997. He is currently active as a researcher and teaching assistant at the Faculty of Law, Udayana University. Additionally, he serves as an observer in Legislation, Constitutional Law, Public Policy, Political Law, and Human Rights. Bagus pursued his formal education at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels at the Faculty of Law, Udayana University. He also participated in a short Winter Course on the Basic Principles of Administrative Law at the Graduate School of Economics and East Asian Studies, Yamaguchi University, Japan. Presently, Bagus, commonly known by his nickname, is actively engaged in writing. He has authored and edited numerous publications since 2016, including books with ISBN numbers, journals, magazines, and other national and international publications.    


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How to Cite

Hermanto, Bagus. 2023. “Dynamics on Constitutional Court Decision towards Indonesia Citizenship Arrangement: Dinamika Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Terhadap Pengaturan Kewarganegaraan Indonesia”. Jurnal Konstitusi 20 (2):216-37. https://doi.org/10.31078/jk2023.


