Consumer Empowerment: Safeguarding Consumer Rights Through BPSK’s Arbitration Post the Constitutional Court Decision

Pemberdayaan Konsumen: Melindungi Hak Konsumen Melalui Proses Arbitrase di BPSK Pasca Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi




Arbitration, BPSK, Consumer Dispute


The arbitration decision by BPSK, can be filed with objections in accordance with Law 8/1999 and annulment under Law 30/1999. These two actions raise questions related to the arbitration process to resolve consumer disputes, consumer protection, and the impact of the Constitutional Court’s decision on the annulment of arbitration awards. This is because both actions are contrary to the final and binding nature of the arbitration award. Through the doctrinal research method, it was found that three years since the Constitutional Court’s Decision, there has been an increase in decisions related to the annulment of arbitration awards and objections to BPSK decisions. The Constitutional Court Decision has two contrary impacts. It makes easier for the aggrieved party in the process of resolving consumer disputes through arbitration to file for annulment or objection. Meanwhile, it also makes the process of consumer protection through arbitration lose its final and binding force.

Author Biographies

Rizkisyabana Yulistyaputri, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Rizkisyabana Yulistyaputri was born in Magelang on February 18, 1993. She pursued her primary and higher education in Purworejo, Central Java. She completed her undergraduate degree at the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University. Her master's studies, with a concentration in Economic Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, began in 2021 and she graduated in July 2023. After graduating from her undergraduate studies in 2015, she worked in the field of banking and finance until the end of 2017. Since 2018 and up to the present time, she has been actively serving as an Expert Assistant to a Constitutional Judge at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia.

Ratih Lestarini, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Ratih Lestarini has been a lecturer at the Department of Community and Development Law, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia since 1986. She obtained her Bachelor of Laws, Master of Laws, and Doctor of Laws degrees from the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia. She currently serves as the Head of the Master of Law Program since 2020. Additionally, during her career as a teaching staff member, she has served as the Secretary of the Postgraduate Program (concurrently as the Head of the Master of Laws Subprogram, 2018-2019) and as Vice Dean 1 of the Faculty of Law UI (2016).


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How to Cite

Yulistyaputri, Rizkisyabana, and Ratih Lestarini. 2023. “Consumer Empowerment: Safeguarding Consumer Rights Through BPSK’s Arbitration Post the Constitutional Court Decision: Pemberdayaan Konsumen: Melindungi Hak Konsumen Melalui Proses Arbitrase Di BPSK Pasca Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi”. Jurnal Konstitusi 20 (3):406-22.


