Legitimacy of Non-Formal Constitutional Reforms and Restrictions on Constitutionalism

Legitimasi Perubahan Konstitusi Non-formal dan Pembatasannya dalam Paham Konstitusionalisme





Non-formal Constitutional Change, Judicial Interpretation, Legitimacy and Limitation, Legislative Interpretation


Non-formal constitutional change through legislative and judicial interpretation raises issues of legitimacy, and restrictions on non-formal changes can be made. This research aims to determine the legitimacy and explore the limitations of non-formal constitutional changes. This research uses normative legal methods with statutory, conceptual and case approaches. The results show that the legitimacy of non-formal constitutional changes is measured based on procedural legitimacy; that is, non-formal changes must be based on authority, and these changes do not affect the meaning of the Constitution as a whole. It is also measured based on substantial legitimacy; namely, non-formal changes to protect human rights. The limitation on changing the non-formal constitution is based on the main substance, which cannot be changed through non-formal changes such as constitutional structure, human rights, restrictions on authority and restrictions based on the moral constitution of the oath of office to implement and enforce the constitution.

Author Biographies

Fajlurrahman Jurdi, Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

Fajlurrahman Jurdi is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University. He has written 33 books and dozens of scientific articles, served as the editor for hundreds of books covering various themes, and contributed hundreds of opinions to different media outlets. Additionally, he has presented dozens of papers at various seminars and dialogue forums. He has spoken in numerous seminars, dialogues, and discussion forums. He has also made appearances on local television and radio, as well as conducted research in the field of constitutional law studies. His research has focused on law, policy, and state institutions. Moreover, he has provided consultation services to prepare academic papers on local regulations in several regions. At the end of 2022, he received two awards from Koran Identitas for being the most productive book writer among lecturers and the most productive article writer at Hasanuddin University.  

Ahmad Yani, Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Ahmad Yani was born in Waji Village in 1996. He graduated from the Faculty of Law at Hasanuddin University in 2018. Currently, he is a Postgraduate student at the Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, since 2022, under the LPDP Scholarship of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance. Furthermore, the author has been a permanent employee at the General Election Commission of South Sulawesi Province since 2020.  


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How to Cite

Jurdi, Fajlurrahman, and Ahmad Yani. 2023. “Legitimacy of Non-Formal Constitutional Reforms and Restrictions on Constitutionalism: Legitimasi Perubahan Konstitusi Non-Formal Dan Pembatasannya Dalam Paham Konstitusionalisme”. Jurnal Konstitusi 20 (2):238-56. https://doi.org/10.31078/jk2024.


