Reformulation of Public Participation in Fast- Track Legislation in an Open Cumulative National Legislative Program

Reformulasi Partisipasi Publik dalam Pembentukan Undang-Undang secara Cepat pada Prolegnas Kumulatif Terbuka




Law, People, Participation


One of the factors contributing to the suboptimal implementation of “meaningful participation” is the exploitation of legal loopholes to expedite the creation of open cumulative draft laws (RUU). This issue is further complicated by Constitutional Court Decision Number 90/PUU XVIII/2020, which states that the formation of open cumulative draft laws does not necessitate general public participation, thereby posing a distinct challenge. In the context of this matter, by employing a normative legal research method, the author examines the urgency of public participation in the development of open cumulative draft laws through a “fast track” legislative process. The study’s results cover three main topics: (1) the mechanism of open cumulative draft law design and its relationship to “fast track” legislation; (2) the legal implications stemming from the Constitutional Court’s considerations regarding public participation in the creation of open cumulative draft laws; (3) the essence of integrating public participation into open cumulative draft laws using the “fast track” legislative method.

Author Biographies

Anugerah Perdana, Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Muhammad Anugerah Perdana is a current undergraduate student at the Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia. He previously worked as a Staff Researcher at the Centre for Constitutional Law Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia. As a student, he actively wrote in various media outlets, such as KawanHukum.Id, on topics such as the Formil Test Process after the Revision of the PPP Law. He has also authored books, including Academic Script of the Fifth Amendment of the NRI Constitution on PPHN, published by MPR RI, Constitutional Resilience, published by PSHK UII Press, and finally, Anthology of Young Jurists, published by JPI Press.

Carolus Boromeus Enggal, Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Carolus Borromeus Enggal is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Gadjah Mada University. He used to actively participate in competitions while he was a student, and achieved 3rd place in Legislative Drafting organized by the Sciensational Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia in 2021, as well as 3rd place in Legislative Drafting Mohamad Natsir Cup at the Islamic University of Indonesia.

Raden Mahdum, Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Raden Mahdum was born on February 10th, 2002 in Indramayu. He is an active member of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association of West Java and often writes articles on various topics for the internet. Some of his published works include "Looking Deeper into the Legality of Interfaith Marriage in Indonesia" on IDN Times, "SOEs: Solution to the Problems of Inflation in the Price of Edible Oil" on Kumparan, and "Omnibus Law Method Should be Regulated" on Geotimes.

Erna Listiawati, Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Nusantara, Bandung, Indonesia

Erna Listiawati has a Bachelor of Law degree from Universitas Islam Nusantara. During her college years, she was active in the organization of youth innovation development in West Java and scientific writing with a particular interest in social and legal issues. She successfully graduated in 3.5 years with a cum laude predicate. Erna was actively involved in writing journals such as "Dumpster Diving Threat In Personal Data Leakage Case In Indonesia," published by International Journal of EthnoSciences and Education Research; "Enigma of Intellectual Property Rights Protection Against Misappropriation by Foreign Parties in International Regulations," published by USM Law Review Journal; and "Access to Justice for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities: Criminal Justice as an Implementation of the Principle of Equality Before the Law," by Simbur Cahaya Journal.


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How to Cite

Perdana, Anugerah, Carolus Boromeus Enggal, Raden Mahdum, and Erna Listiawati. 2023. “Reformulation of Public Participation in Fast- Track Legislation in an Open Cumulative National Legislative Program: Reformulasi Partisipasi Publik Dalam Pembentukan Undang-Undang Secara Cepat Pada Prolegnas Kumulatif Terbuka”. Jurnal Konstitusi 20 (4):678-703.


