Human Rights and Constitutionality Issues of Blasphemy Law in Indonesia


  • Ismail Hasani UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
  • Halili Halili State University of Yogyakarta



Blasphemy Law, Constitutional Court, Judicial Review


This article analyzes human rights and constitutionality issues in the Indonesian Blasphemy Law. It contributes urgently to constitutional studies since constitutionalism requires respect for human rights and democracy obliges to uphold the supremacy of the constitution. This article was written as the results of research through the desk-study using descriptive-qualitative approach. Data were collected through document study and Internal Focus Group Discussion. Indonesia's blasphemy laws inherently violate human rights and are prone to politicization which places religious minorities in vulnerability, while the main legal provisions that criminalize blasphemy have been tested for their constitutionality dimensions by the Constitutional Court. However, the constitutionality issue remains, partly because the Constitutional Court affirmed a religious constitution whereas the Republic of Indonesia is a Pancasila based state. In addition, the Constitutional Court ignores human rights, particularly the right to freedom of religion/belief as guaranteed by the constitution.

Author Biographies

Ismail Hasani, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Department of Constitutional LawFaculty of Syaria and Law

Halili Halili, State University of Yogyakarta

Department of Pancasila and Citizenship EducationFaculty of Social Sciences



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How to Cite

Hasani, Ismail, and Halili Halili. 2022. “Human Rights and Constitutionality Issues of Blasphemy Law in Indonesia”. Jurnal Konstitusi 19 (2):406-30.


