Irregularity Protection of Citizens' Constitutional Rights to the Administrative Silence

Ketidakteraturan Perlindungan Hak Konstitusional Warga Negara Atas Sikap Diam Badan dan/atau Pejabat Pemerintahan




Negative Fictional, Positive Fictional, Constitutional Rights, Administrative Silence


The Administrative's silence legally was an administrative error, however there are no standard to rule the mechanisms for protecting citizens against those an administrative error. This Research have two objectives. First of all, to analyze whether the changes of negative fictitional to positive fictitional are form of legal irregularity, secondly to study regulatory impact of Positive fictional after the issuance of Law number 11 of 2020 against on the protection of citizens' rights. This Research use normative legal research. The Result of this research showed that repeal of norm can be done by changing those law itself or because of the constitutional court decision. negation of negative fictitional validity into chapter 3 law number 5 of 1986 to the positive fictitional through chapter 53 law number 11 of 2020 impact two things. First, remove access of constitutional citizens right, second, automatic approval decision without supervision can be used as a legality tool and may harm the third parties

Author Biography

Umar Dani Umar, Serang State Administrative Court, Banten, Indonesia

Umar Dani was born in Penanjung Panjang, Kepahiang-Bengkulu, on April 29th, 1979. He completed his Bachelor of Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Bengkulu in 2003, his Master of Law at Andalas University in 2010, and his doctoral program at the Faculty of Law, University of Islam Indonesia in 2019. His career began as a judge, and he is currently on duty at the Serang State Administrative Court. Additionally, he is frequently invited as an expert by several government agencies to teach government legal staff. He is registered as a Trainer and Researcher at the Supreme Court Education and Training Center (Pusdiklat MA RI). Moreover, he has written many scientific papers and books, with the most popular one entitled "Konsep Dasar dan Prinsip-prinsip Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara" (Rajawali Press, 2022).


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How to Cite

Umar, Umar Dani. 2023. “ Irregularity Protection of Citizens’ Constitutional Rights to the Administrative Silence: Ketidakteraturan Perlindungan Hak Konstitusional Warga Negara Atas Sikap Diam Badan Dan Atau Pejabat Pemerintahan”. Jurnal Konstitusi 20 (3):451-67.


