Presidential System and the Rise of Neo-Authoritarianism: The Failure of Constitutional Reform in Indonesia?

Sistem Presidensil dan Kebangkitan Neo-Otoritarianisme: Kegagalan Reformasi Konstitusi di Indonesia?




Presidentialism, Democratic Decline, Constitution, Authoritarianism


This article examines how the design of the governmental system has influenced the decline of democracy and the resurgence of authoritarianism in Indonesia. It addresses two main issues: first, whether the presidential system outlined in the 1945 Constitution has contributed to the erosion of democracy and the rise of authoritarianism; and second, how political actors exploit gaps within the presidential system to weaken democracy and revive authoritarianism. This study employs a juridical-sociological approach, combining doctrinal analysis with empirical methods. The findings suggest that the post-amendment 1945 Constitution’s presidential system design has failed to prevent the resurgence of authoritarianism due to weak checks on presidential power at the formal political level, resulting in a concentration of power in the president’s hands. Additionally, at the informal level, the 1945 Constitution has not successfully established political parties as genuinely democratic institutions. Furthermore, the article identifies how political actors use legal instruments to undermine democracy and trigger the resurgence of authoritarianism.


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How to Cite

Dramanda, Wicaksana, Syahrul Fauzul Kabir, and Asep Hakim Zakiran. 2024. “Presidential System and the Rise of Neo-Authoritarianism: The Failure of Constitutional Reform in Indonesia? Sistem Presidensil Dan Kebangkitan Neo-Otoritarianisme: Kegagalan Reformasi Konstitusi Di Indonesia?”. Jurnal Konstitusi 21 (3):345-65.


