The Intersection of State Control and Decentralization in the Prospect of Renewable Energy Regulation in Indonesia

Irisan Penguasan Negara dan Desentralisasi dalam Prospek Pengaturan Energi Terbarukan di Indonesia




Decentralization, EBT, Renewable Energy, State Control


Renewable energy has great potential in Indonesia, but Indonesia does not have integrated regulations related to renewable energy considering that these regulations are still in the process of the 2022 Proleges Draft Law (RUU). This research aims to outline views on renewable energy through the concept of central and regional government authority in managing renewable energy and analyzing it through the prospects for state control and decentralization, in order to see the potential readiness of regions in Indonesia. This research was conducted using normative juridical research. The results of this research show that the concept of state control has an intersection with decentralization in the management of energy resources. Indonesia has enormous potential for renewable energy, but regions in Indonesia still have challenges regarding readiness. Therefore, it is necessary to accelerate the EBT Bill as a legal basis to support the acceleration of renewable energy in Indonesia and the importance of carrying out the five functions of state control based on decentralization ideally for the development of renewable energy.

Author Biographies

Muhammad RM Fayasy Failaq, Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Muhammad RM Fayasy Failaq was born in Kalabahi, Alor, NTT on March 1, 2000. He completed his primary to upper secondary education at MIS Fathul Mubin Kupang NTT, MTS Muallimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, and MA Muallimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. He obtained his bachelor's degree from UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Currently, he is pursuing his Master's degree in Business and State Law with a concentration in state law at the Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. Fayasy previously served as the Chairman of the Constitutional Observer Community (KPK) at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta for the 2019-2020 period. He is actively involved in the Advokat Konstitusi platform and Lex Humana Institute. Additionally, he volunteers at the Center for Democracy, Constitution, and Human Rights Studies (PANDEKHA) at the Faculty of Law, UGM. Fayasy also works as a Teaching Assistant in Political Law at the Law Faculty of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta in the even semester of 2024.

Irma Aulia Pertiwi Nusantara, Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Irma Aulia Pertiwi Nusantara was born in Jakarta on May 6, 2002. She attended SMP Negeri 45 Jakarta and SMA Negeri 84 Jakarta for her education. Currently, she is a law student at Gadjah Mada University, specializing in Tax Law. Irma is actively involved in the Research and Publication Unit (URP) of the Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University, and volunteers at the Center for Democracy, Constitution, and Human Rights Studies (PANDEKHA) at the same faculty. Additionally, she is active on the Advokat Konstitusi platform. Irma also participated in the National Pride Generation 4 Pillars of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly (MPR RI) in 2018.


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How to Cite

Muhammad RM Fayasy Failaq, and Irma Aulia Pertiwi Nusantara. 2024. “The Intersection of State Control and Decentralization in the Prospect of Renewable Energy Regulation in Indonesia: Irisan Penguasan Negara Dan Desentralisasi Dalam Prospek Pengaturan Energi Terbarukan Di Indonesia”. Jurnal Konstitusi 21 (1):118-35.


