Anomali Asas Non-Retroaktif dalam Kejahatan Genosida, Bertentangan dengan HAM?


  • Nurhidayatuloh Nurhidayatuloh (Scopus ID: 57211560728) Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University
  • Akhmad Idris Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University
  • Rizka Nurliyantika Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University
  • Fatimatuz Zuhro Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University



Constitutional Court Decision, Genocide, Indonesian Human Rights Court, Non-Retrospective Principle, Rome Statute


The crime of genocide is one of the most serious international crimes stipulated in the Rome Statute. Previously, genocide was regulated in the Convention on Genocide entered into force on 12 January 1951. The convention and the Rome Statute do not allow retroactivity. However, retroactivity appears in the Indonesian Law on the Human Rights Court and is strengthened through the Indonesian Constitutional Court's Decision. This study focuses on the neglect of the non-retroactive principle in the Law on Human Rights Courts and the extent to which the retroactive period. This research uses normative-legal method with a statutory and case approaches. The result shows that ignoring the non-retoactive principle is contrary to international law and international human rights regulations. Hence, the Constitutional Court's decision that strengthens retroactivity can be interpreted that the Court maintains human rights while at the same time violates human rights by not accurately interpreting the word “derogation” and “restriction” in Article 28J of the 1945 Constitution.


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How to Cite

Nurhidayatuloh, Nurhidayatuloh, Akhmad Idris, Rizka Nurliyantika, and Fatimatuz Zuhro. 2022. “Anomali Asas Non-Retroaktif Dalam Kejahatan Genosida, Bertentangan Dengan HAM?”. Jurnal Konstitusi 19 (2):294-313.


